Friday, July 16, 2010

Purpose of life

What is life? What is the goal of life? Is it just another natural process like rotation of earth? If it is, why do we consider it different? Life is a struggle. Form of struggle can vary. Creatures in deep oceans struggle to find food. Creatures of arid regions struggle to find food and water. Human life is also a struggle. Struggle to find food, struggle to build/buy home, struggle to get more and more money, struggle to find success and struggle to find happiness. But, planets also struggle to maintain their orbit. So, is life just another natural process?

Life is complex. It has a real part and an imaginary part (x +iy).  Real part represents our existence and abilities. Imaginary part represents our dreams, aspirations and desires.  We feel hungry because of real part. We get food because of real part. But the imaginary part defines what food is. Just the real part is not sufficient for survival. Similarly the imaginary  part is also not sufficient. It helps in defining what food is, it helps us in finding food. But the real part defines how to use food.

Actions taken by living being are also complex. The interaction of life and actions transforms life from one complex to another. This can bring imaginary part to real part. Purpose of life is to choose actions in such a way that can bring imaginary part to real. This essentially means we choose actions which can make our dreams, aspirations and desires a reality. Success defines our ability to tramsform our dreams, aspirations and desires into reality. Success can be defined by ratio of real part and imaginary part. Higher the ratio, greater the success.


Saurabh Mahadik said...

And Happiness is ???

Unknown said...

Success needs to be redefined.
at time t0 life is x0+iy0 and
at time tn life is xn+iyn
then success is (xn -x0)/(yn - y0) with condition that xn > x0
If xn < x0 then the same ratio defines failure.
Each moment bring new dreams and desires which adds to imaginary part. Intent of our actions is to bring imaginary part to real part. But actual result may be the opposite. Success also generates new dreams and desires.
Satisfaction can be defined as
This means conversion of imaginary part to real part is faster than addition of new dreams and desires. Happiness is defined by level of satisfaction.